
Lance Murphey/AP Images for the HSUS


This recipe was created by HSUS’s expert chefs and approved by HSUS’s team of registered dietitians. It was specifically designed for college & university food service.

Click here to view and print the PDF version of this recipe. 

Servings: 16


1 cup Sugar, granulated
1 sheet Puff pastry
½ cup Water
2 ounces Non-dairy margarine, melted


1. Pour ½ cup of sugar on the table or large cutting board and spread out over the surface.
2. Place pastry on top of the sugar and pour the last ½ cup of sugar on top of pastry.
3. Press sugar into pastry sheet, flipping it over and pressing the other side.
4. Begin to fold from each side, using 2 inches of each dough from each side, brush the edge with water to seal onto dough.
5. Repeat until both sides meet in the middle.
6. Fold together to make 1 long thick strip.
7. Allow dough to rest in refrigerator for 20 minutes.
8. Take out and cut in ½ inch pieces.
9. Put parchment paper on pan and brush with margarine.
10. Put each piece of dough on buttered surface and flatten.
11. Allow to rest in refrigerator for 10 minutes.
12. Bake in oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 10 minutes. Flip and continue baking for another 10 minutes until golden brown.

Nutrition information

Calories: 159 Total Fat: 9g Saturated Fat: 1.6g Trans Fat: 0g Monounsaturated Fat: 3g Polyunsaturated Fat: 3.7g Carbohydrate: 20g Fiber: 0.2g Total Sugars: 13g Protein: 1.2g Sodium: 70mg Vitamin A: 37mg Vitamin C: 0mg Calcium: 4mg Iron: 0.4mg Folate: 13mcg

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